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FAUNA AND FLORA WATCHINGJust like its name indicates, this activity consists in watching your surroundings for animals and trees, rivers and glaciers, and the species that live on them. Bird watching is included here, a famous activity with followers all over the globe, which consists in taking pictures of bird and then classify them.

This activity can be done all along the national territory, all year round.

Flora and fauna in Chile is not as varied as in other parts of the world, but it changes depending on the latitude you visit. The animals in the northern part of the country have a coat of fur especial for the weather 'very hot during the day and colder at night- and an organism built to live with just a bit of water. As you travel south, the fur gets thicker to protect the bodies from the cold and the strong winds, and muscles develop to travel through mountains and rivers.

Many of the animals you will be able to see in Chile, are species that you cannot find anywhere else in the world, so this activity takes a hint of uniqueness and surprise. A big number of animals in the country, especially inside the National Parks in the South, are under regional, estate and global care, due to their ?endangered species? label, given to them decades ago.

That is why it is recommended for visitors to not have direct contact with animals, and especially with their habitat, all of which are kept alive barely, with a delicate balance that cannot be broken under any circumstances.

Natura has determined that in this part of the globe there are no animals that are a threat to humans, such as big predators or poisonous snakes. The Puma, the biggest predator of the area, never goes close to humans and it is very difficult to see it, even in its natural habitat, due to the low number of specimens left. That is why is fundamental that the ecological system of Patagonia to be kept and taken care of.

The same thing happens to flora, because many tree and bush species are in danger of disappearing forever. Thus, do not take branches or flowers, do not damage the environment. The most typical trees are the coigue and the araucaria, which is the most important in the country, it takes them over a century to grow to be two feet high and they are so much taller now, so just imagine how old they really are.

The animals you can see in Patagonia are the puma, foxes, guanacos, ostriches, two kinds of deer ' the pudu and the huemul- and the flamingo. Further south, near the Magellan's Strip and Antarctica, you can see sea wolves, penguins, seals, birds, dolphins and-bigger and more impressive than all- whales.