Montañismo en la patagonia

Rock Climbing

Escalada De Rocas

The mountains in Patagonia have considerable heights. The Andes are installed snow-capped next to rivers and glaciers, and give life to mountains and hills of lower elevation but considerable beauty.

Climbing consists of climbing rocks using your hands and feet, in addition to a harness that holds the person for their own safety as it continues to be a risk sport. Some trails where climbing is practiced, have steps and help included in the stones, while others remain natural and are more difficult to climb.

To practice climbing you need to have a good physical condition, and although you do not need a long course, it is necessary to have an instructor or guide if you choose to climb in places that are not previously known.

Torres del Paine is the best known and visited place for climbing, since its mountains are of perfect heights, with rocks and obstacles that only add entertainment and difficulty to the activity. In the National Park you can rent equipment (shoes, rope, helmet, harness) and the help of specialized guides, as well as information of the best massages to climb.

This activity has been increasing all over the world, and in Chile it began to develop in the mid-1980s.